Angel of the Waters

My Godmother, my mom's best friend, was always taking me under her wings when she wanted to introduce me to some finer things in her life. Vacations in Saratoga Springs, summer car rides to the shore, and memorable day trips to New York City were some of my favorites.

On the front of her thigh Lola had an anchor tattoo of her husband's navy ship, she wore bright red lipstick highlighted with a beauty mark above her lips, and had a favorite leopard print chiffon scarf that she wrapped loosely around her head, I was 8 and hung on her every word.

It was a spring trip to Central Park after arriving at Bethesda Terrace , Lola said "the statues and carved stones move," (I needed to know more.) "People don't notice this because only a few know of this secret, and now like you, those chosen few will always try to catch a movement of the statues and stones" she whispered, and also "don't tell anyone". I was further told, that If I blink or turn away, there most likely will be a missed moment.

My curiosity turned into having no luck staring at The Angel of the Waters, so the process to discover the carvings in the stone pillars that accented the stairs began, and they all stood quietly in place - protecting the fountain.


These carved creations and myself were always in Lola's view glancing from her cigarette and magazine as she watched me carefully touch and stare down every corner of the Terrace.

As the winding day led to shadows, my favorite Witch carving was visited more than once and finally I saw a swish of the witch's broom! In all the excitement telling Lola I forgot all the hours I spent focused on the stones and how the afternoon just disappeared with the rest of our plans. Lola whispered "I saw angel's wing flutter"... now we shared a special connection and exclusive secret to cherish and quietly keep between us.

Walking back to the station Lola pointed out that most of the magical moments happen at night, at sunrise, and different times of the seasons as the stones all highlight different holiday scenarios, vignettes, nature, and themes throughout the year that spark their energy.

I so wished then as I do now to witness the angel orchestrate her secret symphony of stones and her swirling mystical movements under the stars.

Loving being scared of eastern european dark folk-lore stories in my childhood, Lola always managed to put a bright spin on these old tales while keeping the magic real, this was one of those stories and the excitement was not lost on me as these secret stone creations were now my friends.

Going back to the Terrace for luncheons, directing photo shoots, or just wandering around the fountain, I would find Lola's spirit there and still embrace her voice and whispers. I still remember her saying "the magic moments and secrets are revealed for only a few that have seen the stones come alive, you and me, we'll always have that special bond." I miss you Lola and maybe now I can tell a friend...

The poem in full:


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